Thursday June 20th, 2019 9am-noon
Burchfield Penney Art Center at SUNY Buffalo State- 1300 Elmwood, Buffalo, 14222
8:30am: Check- in and coffee
Cost: No Charge (Registration Required)
To register, email Dr. Susan McCartney at mccartsa@buffalostate.edu
Is your firm is looking to develop disruptive technologies as the foundation of your company’s growth and competitiveness and wondering where you can find financial resource to support these efforts?
The SBIR/STTR Programs:
- Grant $2.5B annually to businesses to work on cutting edge technologies.
- Have the participation of the largest 11 federal agencies.
- Do not take ownership in your company or require cost sharing/payback.
- Provide more than $1M as typical awards (Phase I&II).
- Have awarded regional companies $23M over the last 3 years.
This workshop will be led by Jack McGowan (Insyte Consulting) and Martin Casstevens (University at Buffalo) and will:
- Provide a basic description of the program and how companies can participate.
- Describe several compelling rationales for participating in the program:
a) Leading & building a team to achieve something big and disruptive.
b) Participating as a subcontractor to someone else’s team.
c) Developing strategic partners for commercial growth. - Set the stage for follow up 1 on 1 meetings with people who each have more than 20 years with the program and will help attendees explore specific opportunities.
The June 20th program is primarily directed at established businesses of any size looking to support their technology pipeline. A closely related program on September 17 at UB North Campus is directed at entrepreneurs looking to start and/or fund startups. All are welcome to register for both of these programs.
For more information please call the Small Business Development Center: 716.878.4030
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact SBDC (716) 878-4030.