Our Bob Kosobucki is currently taking a three-month sabbatical in France attending a French immersion school. His passion is the French language and culture. During his trip he has kept us abreast of his travels visiting historical sites by sending pictures and descriptions of what he has seen. Recently he visited the peaceful beaches of Normandy on the northern coast of France. Who could imagine that 74 years ago on June 6, 1944 the Western Allies launched the largest amphibious invasion in history at this very site. D-Day was the opening salvo for the Battle of Normandy which lasted until August 30 when the Germans retreated back across the Seine. During this time period the Allies landed over 2 million men in Northern France and sustained over 200,000 casualties. Over 50,000 Allied soldiers were killed. Once the Allies gained this foothold, they began the march across Europe that ended in Germany’s surrender on May 7, 1945.
This Veterans Day Take a Moment to Remember the Sacrifices Made by the Greatest Generation at this horrific battle during World War II.