Insyte Consulting is adapting our services to COVID-19 to support manufacturers in a landscape that has and will continue to change daily.  Not only do manufacturers have to deal with current priorities, but they also need to make contingency plans for how another outbreak may impact business.  Here is a list of services we’re offering our clients as we continue our mission of helping WNY manufacturers.  Please note that our grant partners, including the National Grid Manufacturing Productivity Program and the NYSEG Manufacturing Accelerator Program may be able to help cover some of the costs of these initiatives.

Implementing COVID-19 Related Safety Programs

There are new standards released by NYS Department of Health’s “Interim Guidance for Manufacturing Activities During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency”, (i.e. NY Forward) and there are best practices throughout the nation that have been summarized by the NY Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NYMEP) in the COVID-19 Playbook-rev.2, including issues such as:

  • Safety protocols
  • PPE management
  • Disinfection procedures

Operations Planning

Existing plant layouts and operations planning before social distancing may no longer be applicable.  Also, as things change within your facilities, new value stream maps may be needed to be optimize the new design.

  • Plant layout both current and contingency planning
  • Lean with social distancing
  • New lean manufacturing plans and value stream maps
  • Capacity planning with new layouts
  • Visual controls

Quality Management Systems

With resources stretched as thin as ever within the four walls of your facility, Insyte can perform virtual QMS internal audits.  We also have experience with accreditation audits and can help you prepare.

Scenario Planning

Planning the future of your business is as hard as it has been since 2008.  There are a number of needs to consider for planning for the future:

  • Recovery planning
  • Financial modeling the different scenarios that may occur to be prepared to act
  • Capacity planning within different scenarios so that you can plan to support your customers in times of reduced capacity
  • Succession planning to look at the future of your company down the road.  Planning now for a smooth transition is critical to maximize the value of your company and the continuation of your business for all stakeholders.

Supply Chain Development/Reshoring

There is no doubt that companies will not survive this, which may force manufactures to adjust their supply chains.  Further, global turmoil makes a global supply chain riskier than ever.  Now is the time to develop dual sources and alternate suppliers.

  • Reshoring production to the U.S.
  • Finding & qualifying new suppliers

Virtual Office

We’ve all seen this move in a rapid way, but how do you do it most efficiently within your office processes.

  • Lean office processes are changing with more employees working from home
  • Paperless office, move to an electronic document workflow
  • Cyber Security has been extremely important for a while, with the work from home environment your business maybe more exposed than ever and bad actors may look to strike

Sales Planning

Just as suppliers may not make it, the same is true of your customers.  Now is the time to look at new customers or new markets and sales processes to diversify your customer portfolio.

Insyte Consulting is determined to assist our clients in reopening in the most efficient manner, please call us to help you or email

David Hanitz: 716-982-6406
Ryan Case: 716-864-4329

More from our Reopen WNY blog series: click here.





Insyte Consulting