City Dining Cards is an innovative customer loyalty marketing company headquartered in Buffalo, NY. The company’s signature product is the City Dining Cards Deck, which contains discounts to 50 locally owned restaurants in a community; and the Drink Deck, which offers buy-one, get-one drinks at locally owned establishments. City Dining Cards are currently sold in 19 cities in the United States and Europe.
City Dining Cards was seeking an investment from private angel investors to fund a licensing program to open new markets, develop a mobile app version of its cards and to launch an enterprise/B2B arm of the company to develop customer loyalty marketing products for large businesses and organizations. City Dining Cards needed introductions to local angel investor groups and assistance developing a presentation and other information that would enable potential investors to assess the investment opportunity.
The Insyte consultant met with City Dining Cards’ president on several occasions to review and refine the company’s funding strategy, business plan and investor presentation. City Dining Cards then made a presentation at a Western New York Venture Association (WNYVA) forum. Based on the quality of its presentation, the company was invited to present to the Buffalo Angels, a subgroup of the WNYVA that consists of accredited angel investors. The Insyte consultant coordinated follow-on due diligence meetings and information requests that resulted in several Buffalo Angels and others making investment in the company.