COMPANY Battistoni has produced dried salamis, pepperoni and other cured sausages in Buffalo since 1931. They distinguish their products by using traditional, old-world recipes, high-quality ingredients and sausage-making practices that produce an authentic taste.
SITUATION Despite a solid reputation for quality products, sales had leveled off as the marketplace shifted and competition intensified from big chain store brands and national brands. The challenge was to determine how a local, privately owned company could grow profitable sales in a changing market with large competitors.
SOLUTION Comparative analysis of market trends and company sales by market segment showed a divergence between where the opportunities were and where the company was attempting to grow. The Insyte-Battistoni Team developed a market strategy and three year sales plan that re-prioritized the sales focus by market segment. They then defined goals and action items by market segment to add new customers, expand geographic coverage and increase sales to existing customers.